I started to assemble boards that could catalogue sites I visited on a regular basis, only to encounter my first restriction which was that I could only link to a page if it contained a suitably large image. If images were sparse then the one eventually chosen and used would not in some instances convey any of the feel of the website. No matter, I thought, text will do the job as well. But no, there is no text editor and copying and pasting large quantities of text soon became limited to 50 word maximums. But I am a visual person and unconcerned I began to pin images that I found stimulating. Warning bells sounded when the first of my own uploaded was grabbed and shared and I proceeded to look around for views on this new phenomenon
A Love Hate Relationship With Pinterest by Daisy Yellow
Techcrunch - Pinterest could Evolve into a giant ad/spam network
And From A User
Despite this I continue to pin to my boards. I love my boards, but I must caution you
1. What you paste or pin is not yours
2. If it's somebody else's intellectual property then the liability is yours and not Pinterests'
3. Everything is fair game
4. Pinterest actively encourages sharing or (stealing! ).
5. Pinterest is a law suit about to happen
Creative Commons Licensing Form
Free Images from Romance Works
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