
Friday 16 October 2009

Social Inclusion

They want to take our dreams away
And bury them deep below
Where the wind doesn’t howl and the dogs don’t yowl
In a place even time doesn’t know.

They want your soul to work for them
Down in the mines below
There’s gold down there and you’ll dig for it
Whether you like or no

They have ways of making you think you know
That time has never been on your side
And the pain that you felt and the tears that you shed
Were really nothing
You just lied.

The bright sunlight will fade from your memory in time
They’ll even take that away
Cos the thing is your mother was wrong to give birth to you
And for that you’ll have to pay, every day.

So work to earn your crust my boy
Cos it’s not really up to you
And choice costs money you know
And it’s not for the likes of you

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