Profile for Board of Trustees
From: Maureen Ward
Sent: 21 October 2008 16:08:15
To: angielawrence
Maureen Ward
I grew up in Sutton, Surrey; Lived in London and then moved to Dartford Borough when I got married. Have now lived in the borough for over 30 years. I have raised a family in this area and my children attended local schools. My working life has been varied, working in both private and public sectors and a period of self employment. When I am well, I like to express myself through creativity (any and all outlets are grist for the mill).
Having suffered two break downs in two years, my experience of Mind has been as a service user and I am indebted to the organisation for providing this unique service.
As a sufferer of Bi Polar disorder I would like, from my personal perspective, to contribute to the ongoing efficacy and success of DGS Mind.
Speaking at Council Planning Board Meeting re Development at "Tylers"
From: Maureen Ward
Sent: 21 April 2009 10:41:23
To: Justin Bateman
I have been given the opportunity to register and possibly speak at the above mentioned meeting.
Do you have any objections to my doing so.
I would be addressing the problem from the view point of a Dartford Council Tax payer with an enduring Mental Illness.
RE: Out and Abouts
From: Maureen
Sent: 07 May 2009 09:52:44
To: 'justin'
This list is one I have been keeping and updating for a couple of months now. All of the ideas are proposals for out and about activities that have come directly from service users. Service users are aware that there are problems in implementing certain types of activities due to time restraints imposed by staffing schedules and staff funding. They are also concerned about self funding activities and are aware that their own personal funding and not that of the company will largely dictate the logistics. They are rather bemused by the many and varied limitations imposed on ‘out and about’ activities by the companies own (necessary) funding restrictions. For instance, if they want to see a movie, they are free to do so when and where they wish. Most do not have a problem in organizing their own daily schedules. However, seeing a movie on a Thursday between 11 am and 2 pm can produce problems that are not easily resolved. Members have also expressed a desire to re instate activities like “A Barbeque”, “A Christmas Disco” and would like help in arranging the odd whole day out.
Due consideration also needs to be given to making provision for the consumption of lunch (Pub in the vicinity, packed lunch in the park etc) if the 11 am till 2 pm restriction is to be maintained
Yours truly,
Suggestions for 'Out and About', Discussion Group
From: Maureen
Sent: 11 May 2009 08:06:47
To: justin
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I don’t know if I am telling you something you already know, but I thought I’d send you this to show you what can be found on the internet.
This ties in nicely with the suggestion of cheap meals at ‘The Black Horse’, which also has a good garden area and used to barbeque food in the summer.
It is one of many that can be found with a little research.
No Subject
From: Maureen
Sent: 11 May 2009 08:06:49
To: richard giles
I am not happy about the idea of exploring the ‘needs’ of the voyeurs. In society as a whole it is accepted that, if someone doesn’t want to do something, then that is up to them. Lots of people who do not have a mental illness are uncomfy displaying their bodily imperfections in public. No one coerces them into exploring their disfunctionality. If someone has abused their own body and it now carries multiple external signatures of that, then I do not see our role as one of persuading them that their fears are misguided.
I am not sure if we have now established a position where they have permission to be temporary voyeurs or not. Should I clarify this with Justin, as I feel service users should be kept informed.
From: Maureen
Sent: 31 May 2009 04:08:25
To: Justinbateman
It was brought to my notice on Saturday that the rules at the drop ins have now got stricter.
Service Users are now being excluded from all indoor activities unless they are willing to actively participate. When do we start rapping them on the knuckles with a ruler for being left handed?
Have I got it wrong, or did we agree to let them be ‘voyeurs’ for the time being and that staff would work with them
to explore their personal reservations and hopefully identify activities that they would be willing to participate in. How can staff work with them if they aren’t allowed to come in?
Should we not be encouraging people to attend rather than making up ever more complicated rules and regulations to deter them for any kind of participation at all?
Just how much of an ‘exclusive club’ do we intend to become.
Yours (sorely aggrieved)
Listening to Music
From: Maureen
Sent: 17 June 2009 08:02:36
To: justin
Remembered what I wanted to mention to you.
1. A week to go till trustee meeting and I haven’t got a clue what was decided at the last one over 6 weeks ago. As I was not able to attend that one I would really like some form of update as to what decisions were reached. I should also like to receive mins of meetings a couple of weeks in advance of board meetings as sometimes there is quite a lot to digest and form an opinion on.
2. Listening to music is a great idea, whoever thought of it, but the portable player used at Dartford drop in is dire. The volume and output are not suited to the size of environment and if anybody has hearing problems they just wont hear it at all! We do not necessarily need a new one as once we have the laptop, it can be loaded with tunes in advance of drop in session, and with suitable speakers attached we can solve the (abuse of the ear drums ) problem. However, desktop speakers will not be up to the job! So can you please get someone to look in to getting some (second hand or free maybe?) suitable ones.
3. Is it still the case that clients with serious mental health problems (Schizophrenia, Bi Polar etc.) need a doctors letter in order to access the councilling service DGS Mind offers?
4. Are we doing Dartford Show
5. How are the negotiations with Y.M.C.A. to use Computer facilities going
Please let me know before Trustee meeting as you may have issues related to funding that I need to understand.
Minutes of Board Meeting
From: Maureen
Sent: 03 July 2009 08:54:21
To: angielawrence
Thanks for being so prompt with the minutes. I do appreciate it.
From: Maureen Ward
Sent: 08 July 2009 06:56:14
To: Justin Bateman
Hello Justin
Couple of things on my mind
First - A link to show you how effective interacivity on a web site can be. Please take a look. It need not cost a lot of money. I have offers of help if Stuart will collaborate.
Second - I found yesterdays "self expression" session very enjoyable and would like to give any support I can. I have established that the session to be held the week after next will be based around photography and Bob will be hosting it. I have taken a number of photographs during the arts session that I would like to show people. George has a large collection of Photographs and Bob has a disc of images related to previous mind group functions. It would be really nice if the lap top that was promised for the use of Dartford Drop In could be made available for this session so that these images could be accessed. We will not need a Dongle for this session.
The third thing is that my status at Dartford Drop in is causing me some concern in that I have been challenged on several ocassions when I sign in as a visitor or volunteer. For some time now (since being asked by service users to lead the discussion group) I have seen my role as one of volunteer (which to me means helping out in any way that I can). It is becoming necessary to define my role on a weekly basis to anyone who feels a need to question it. Having been discharged as a patient by my P Doctor and careworker I find having to justify my role within the society somewhat irritating and demeaning. I do not expect you to resolve this issue. I would however like you to clarify for me (as my role is unique) wether this is an issue for you.
Shift Videos
From: Maureen
Sent: 09 July 2009 09:05:19
To: Justin Bateman
Hi Justin
I am writing a piece about returning to work after mental illness for SHIFT. It will be about my own experiences as a Mind Trustee. I was wondering if you would like to contribute a piece as an employer who promotes ‘best practice’. Have a look at the link below:-
Circulation of Day Services programme
From: Maureen Ward
Sent: 10 July 2009 09:53:50
To: Angie Lawrence
Hi Anjie
Have just been to my G.P. They do not currently recieve a copy of our Day Services programme. Could someone put half a dozen in the post.
The address is:
Drs Nicolson Hunt and Aburn
Devon Road
South Darenth
Re Volunteering
From: Maureen
Sent: 15 July 2009 06:53:21
To: Justinbateman
I think it is necessary for me as a Trustee to remain aloof from the petty disputes that occur amongst paid drop in staff at the moment. If I become a drop in volunteer then I feel my role as a Trustee will be compromised. I do however wish to remain ‘in touch’ as it were with the ground level in order to be able to champion service user rights.
I therefore propose that a further level of volunteering is added to the structure. This would provide for Trustees who are regularly active facilitating or supporting group sessions. A ‘surgery’ could be held say once a month to address service user concerns. As you know, at this present juncture, service user are by no means 100 per cent behind the present day services program.
I spoke to Dr. Howard Stoate on Monday and it seems that he is aware of the problems inherent in promoting Social Inclusion.
In order to be effective as a trustee I need to stay in touch with service users!
Dear Justin
I am writing on behalf of Tony (in the wheel chair). He says he reported a grievance to you about a month ago and has not heard from you since. He says he talked to you on the telephone and you have not got back to him.
I gather from him that the grievance was against a volunteer (Glynis) whose attitude towards him in particular amounts to victimisation. According to Tony, they have had dealings in the past at a club for people with epilepsy and he alleges she may have been instrumental in his being barred from attending this club. He had thought it had all been sorted, but she is still causing him problems.
I understand that on Saturday when the kitchen was busy Tony asked Patrick to make him a cup of tea. Having waited for a while Tony attempted to come into the kitchen to make one for himself, but Glynis wouldn’t allow him into the kitchen and his frustration boiled over.
I am aware that Tony isn’t the easiest person to deal with but I gathered from the histrionics that Glynis went into afterwards that she is still adhering to the old restriction (service users are not allowed in the kitchen because they might hurt themselves) that you yourself lifted some time ago. We have talked about this in the past and agree that there should be no restrictions on Service Users making their own tea. Glynis often misconstrues service users intentions and always to their detriment.
I have personally witnessed her accuse someone of stealing someone’s flowers. These flowers having been purchased by the person holding them for another service user to give to his mother for mothers day. She bullied another service user who, because of her difficulty speaking and being in mourning for her sister, was unable or incapable of retaliating. She was in the past arrested for brawling in Dartford town centre and when she first came to Dartford drop in I found I had to stand up to her and let her know in no uncertain terms that she would not get the better of me no matter how ill I was.
As for the tea situation, well that wont resolve itself. More and more service users are becoming involved with the day to day running of Dartford drop in on a Saturday and that is great. Perhaps I dare suggest that the tea making equipment be moved out of the kitchen into the main hall as is done on Tuesday.
Trip To Brighton
From: Maureen
Sent: 26 July 2009 08:40:54
To: Justin Bateman
I understand that there was a bit of a mix up about which members were down to go to Brighton last Tuesday – 22.7.09. Apparently George Chase arrived at the pick up point at Dartford Police Station at 9.32 am and the coach had left without him. George is understandably unhappy and he has been to the office to lodge a complaint.
I have done some investigating and found out that his name is on the record kept at the drop in but was not mentioned when the staff going on the trip phoned the office at 9.00 am to ensure that all those from Dartford who were going on the trip were accounted for. Obviously it was a busy day and mistakes happen.
So we have put our heads together and come up with an idea that might ensure this kind of thing doesn’t happen in the future.
This suggestion came from an active and involved service user.
Suggestion is that a list is prepared for the office and posted in Reception so that should phone calls come through anyone who answered the phone that day would know who was being picked up.
This list could be pre prepared as soon as all monies have been collected and if staff are so busy that it is likely to slip their minds could I further suggest that a diary of ‘Day Service’ events be kept on Outlook. Obviously this could not be accessed during a power cut but we do not have that many service user events in a year so a safety measure would be to run the details off a week in advance, send one to any member of staff involved in the outing and update any changes manually.
FW: Wirelessly enable your Computer for £9.58
From: Maureen (
Sent: 08 August 2009 19:26:50
Can somebody PLEEASE go out and buy one of these ASAP or give me the money and I will get it.
From: MemoryBits []
Sent: 08 August 2009 08:14
Subject: Wirelessly enable your Computer for £9.58
from: Maureen
Sent: 12 August 2009 13:00
To: Justin Bateman
Subject: Potential Abolishion of AA and DLA
Justin I am sending this document for your perusal because it seems to be provoking widespread concerns on the internet.
There are fears that the government plans to abolish AA and DLA. I have read the document and am aware that the proposals are to provide adequate and fair funding across the country to an ageing population who are living longer, to people with Mental Health problems who have the potential to need care for life, and for the chronically physically disabled so I do not need you to write back and explain it to me. I understand it.
What I would like is for you to look at it from an objective viewpoint (one that I do not have), to provide for a future where we may be in a position as an organisation to advise and assist local government or local Social Services in administering these funds fairly. I am aware that this is a position we may never hold. However National Mind and other charities will be involved in the consultation process and the move seems to be towards community involvement. Dartford Borough Councillors are ill informed on MH issues and I would like for us to be in a position to assist and advise them in their decision making process should the situation arise.
From: justin
Sent: 14 August 2009 14:55
To: 'Maureen'
Subject: RE: Potential Abolishion of AA and DLA
Maureen, thanks for this. I have not yet looked at the proposals in any depth, but am aware they will affect our client group in some measure. When I have time to digest, I will get back to you.
On a separate issue, I am conscious we have not met together recently, and I wondered if we could pencil in a time. We agreed I should do this every now and then as part of your support system, and I anyway have a couple of issues to talk over, besides the one you have raised in emails to me about service-user or Trustee status.
Any chance of fixing up a time?
RE: Potential Abolishion of AA and DLA
From: Maureen
Sent: 15 August 2009 15:34:23
To: 'justin'
Do get back to me when you have had time to read it Justin and thank you for the offer of support.
You will be happy to know I am well at the moment and therefore not in need of ‘any’ support unless it be with the various issues I have already communicated to you over a period of time, which do not appear to have been addressed. I am interested to know how work is going on the updating of the web site and what has happened to the dongle.
I thought I made it plain in my E Mail to you that I do not wish to be a service user at the moment. This is not a matter for discussion.
Can you tell me exactly what it is you wish to discuss with me and perhaps I can give it some thought and get back to you.
I am becoming more and more involved in ‘fighting stigma campaigns’ and find myself rather busy crusading at the moment.
FW: Wirelessly enable your Computer for £9.58
From: Maureen
Sent: 18 August 2009 14:57:57
To: 'angielawrence'
As we discussed yesterday . This is the link to cheap dongle. I have purchased from these people in the past and have no complaints with the service received.
Also wish to let you know I took charge of the laptop last Saturday as no one available to take back to office. Will bring in on Saturday unless anyone else needs it in the meantime.
From: Maureen
Sent: 08 August 2009 20:27
To: ''
Subject: FW: Wirelessly enable your Computer for £9.58
Can somebody PLEEASE go out and buy one of these ASAP or give me the money and I will get it.
From: MemoryBits []
Sent: 08 August 2009 08:14
Subject: Wirelessly enable your Computer for £9.58
Time To Change Roadshow
From: Maureen
Sent: 21 August 2009 10:09:28
To: 'angielawrence' ; Justin Bateman
To Justin, Angie etc:
Have just got the details of the Time to Change Roadshow
“The Times to Change Roadshow in Maidstone is getting really exciting. It's going out over the radio, in the newspapers, on flashing notices in Maidstone Town Centre and organisations from all over Kent will be there. We are also having all different kinds of music playing in the band stand during the day. I'm just waiting to hear that Stephen Fry is coming - that would make my day!!”
From my friend at Maidstone Mind and am definitely going. If any other Trustees or staff or service users would be interested, please tell them to look on the Time to Change website. Will keep you posted.
From: justin
Sent: 21 August 2009 09:59
To: 'Maureen'
Cc: 'angie lawrence'
Subject: RE: Potential Abolishion of AA and DLA
Obviously one of the things I want to discuss with you is the service-user/trustee issue. If you are adamant that you are not a service-user, somehow we need to deal with the implications of your solidly attending Dartford Activity and Drop-in sessions, and no other sessions, as a trustee. There are implications too here for the volunteering role in DGS Mind, and whether we need to think about recruitment of a service-user to the board, with elections coming up in October, and also how you might relate to the day service-user panel being set up.
I’m away next week, but maybe we could be in contact early September, to fix up a time? Interested to know how your crusading is going.....
From: Maureen
Sent: 21 August 2009 11:21:29
To: 'justin'
Okay – Cool – Your place or mine – joke – pub lunch across the road get back to me when you come back from jolly hols
DLA and AA Green Paper
From: Maureen (
Sent: 21 August 2009 19:49:39
Appreciate you are on hols, but hoping to catch you at home with update
From: angela lawrence
Sent: 24 August 2009 15:35
To: 'Maureen'
Subject: RE: Wirelessly enable your Computer for £9.58
Hi Maureen
Big apologies for not replying sooner – I’m very happy to ask Alan to order the dongle. Before I do, do you have any idea how much the ‘pay as you go’ air time will cost, say per month? Just let me know.
See you soon
RE: Wirelessly enable your Computer for £9.58
From: Maureen
Sent: 28 August 2009 07:33:47
To: 'angela lawrence'
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Sorry I haven’t got back to you, but no immediate solution presents itself. Talking to knowledgeable staff at Y.M.C.A , I have been assured that all we need is the dongle. They use Wi-Fi at the centre and apparently the signal is a bit weak. There are dongles available with an aerial attached which would extend the range. We would be connecting to our current ISP so I do not envisage it costing any more money. I am not sure how hotspots work but know there is one at the Paper Moon. I am negotiating with a relative to lend me or bring down a laptop with wi fi and dongle to test the strength of the signal.
Another solution would be to have a telephone extension run into the room we use and hardwire the connection. This though might mean setting up new account with ISP using telephone number from YMCA or negotiating to use their ISP. Latter would be easiest solution. We could use a temporary extention line which we could run out just when we are there. I have used this method successfully in the past and it cost a £1.
Another thing we could do would be to borrow a dongle from the staff at YMCA. Initially
Just to test the system. These things are never clear cut and easy. If anyone in the office has a dongle perhaps they could come down and test the signal for us. Perhaps you could ask around. Am thinking now – the dongle I advised to buy may be cheapest but not necessarily best for our needs, however, until we get our hands on one we can’t take it any further.
Looked briefly at Dongles with aerials – they are more expensive – will find one and send you specs.
Action would be to borrow Dongle from someone – anyone. Stuart or Alan are most likely to already own
Speak to you later
Mobile Broadband
From: Maureen
Sent: 28 August 2009 10:11:22
To: 'angielawrence'
Making enquiries, I find that not all ISP’s do mobile broadband, so there is the possibility that we would have to get it through a new provider. 02 do pay as you go mobile broadband at a rate of £2.00 a day, only paying on the days you use it.
comparisons of prices and offers can be found here
This would work out at £40.00 p.a. based on 1 day a week usage plus one off payment of £29.35 which presumably covers dongle which is part of package. Contract tie in can be as little as 1 month so might be a good starting point.
One problem I perceive that we can’t preempt is that our usage costs may initially be higher if we have problems with initial set up.
From: justinbateman
To: Maureen Subject: RE: Meeting up
Date: Tue, 8 Sep 2009 15:58:39 +0100
Hi, I’m back and contacting you as arranged – I understand we need to add a laptop to our list of things that need discussing? Following times are all good for me if you want to let me know which:
Thurs 10th 2pm onwards
Fri 11th 11.30
Monday 14th All day
If none of these suitable, will send some other possibilities.
RE: Meeting up
From: Maureen Ward
Sent: 09 September 2009 09:45:17
To: Justin Bateman
Hello Justin
I am concerned that this proposed meeting will be yet another waste of effort on my part.
I think as far as the lap top discussion goes - you need to make it clear to Angie and Richard that you and I agreed some months ago that the laptop would be made available to Dartford drop in users every Saturday. If the office have a regular need for the use of a laptop then I think this may be a matter for you as CEO to look into and make provision for. I do not see a need for me as Trustee to get involved with this.
However I do see the need to explain a few things. Arrangements were made between myself and Angie to have the lap top returned to the office after Saturday sessions for safe keeping. Angie also explained to me the ongoing need for a laptop in the office and we agreed to share its use. However the arrangements for its delivery to the drop in (staff to collect and bring down) are not working and we have already experienced having one session where no one was available to deliver it.
I need to update software on a regular basis - Alan and Stuart take too long - our needs change on a weekly basis. Richard taking permanent control of the lap top only complicates the situation further in as much as he does not work on a Saturday and I do not envisage staff wanting to visit the Medway towns every week to pick it up. This is MY project - please do me the courtesy of giving me the time and space to implement it.
On the matter of the perceived problems of a Trustee continously attending one drop in and not the other two.
I have discussed this with most Drop in staff and they do not perceive it as a problem. I am aware that problems are emerging at both Gravesend and Swanley and do not at this time want to be seen as snooping at either of these venues. I am however willing to visit but would need mileage paid. Service users keep me abreast of these problems and I always weigh them in the balance against the excellent progress made by staff so far and the pros and cons of upsetting the status quo.
I do not know why you or Richard or anybody else would perceive a problem arising from my status as a result of having a user panel. Users consulted feel there will always be a need for a Trustee who is aware of their problems and when necessary can present them at board level. Richard and I have agreed to monitor this from October and address individual problems as and when they arise.
As for needing a couple of new service user trustees now that Richard and I are no longer service users I am not clear as to the correct procedures and am not at the present moment able to make any helpful suggestions.
Finally several staff have made reference to my 'solidly' attending one drop in being a problem. Who is this a problem for and why is it a problem. Initially, if you recall, I was mentoring the discussion group. I was also involved in discussions with Lyn Ward before she took on the (cant remember name of) sessions. I attended these sessions to help and support her as all of the modules were ones I had knowledge and expertise in. I am now attending primarily to assist with I.T. expertise. I still envisage attending on Saturdays for this purpose and would welcome the help of anybody - staff or volunteer - who can further my aims and objectives.
Please let me know asap if there is anything else we need to discuss.
Sincerely yours
DLA and AA Scare
From: Maureen Ward
Sent: 09 September 2009 16:50:36
To: Justin Bateman
Just wanted to let you know what people who sit around on their computers all day can achieve when they put their Minds to it
From: justinbateman
To: ontophill
Subject: RE: Meeting up
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 11:54:12 +0100
Hi Maureen,
I apologise for having to be blunt, but if you are unwilling to meet for an informal chat, I have to state my case to you here:
You ask me if there is anything else we need to discuss, and yes there is:
1. I need to know from you the result of your court case about benefits earlier in the year. I ask because under law, a person with a conviction for fraud is not able to be a Trustee; it would greatly relieve my mind to hear you were deemed to be in the clear.
2. We need to discuss comments you made at the Dartford drop-in which might be construed as racist.
Elections for Trustees take place at the forthcoming AGM: I was wanting to clarify these 2 points soon as they may have relevance to your decision whether to stand for another year.
Regarding the other matters:
3. All the various pieces of equipment we have need to be held in the office as a central depot, to be sent out to the services requiring them, and returned after use. It is not a question of sharing the laptop with the office, but with all Mind Services. I am not going to get back into the situation where equipment was languishing all over the place underused and extremely difficult to bring back into circulation (you may be aware of the problems in getting this particular piece of equipment back from the Carers’ Service). You have declared a wish to have the laptop available Saturdays in Dartford. I thought we had a system in place to achieve this, and still have it available at other times for other uses. If the system doesn’t work we will need to think again.
4. I confess I have become unclear about precisely what your project entails: I look forward to gaining a fuller understanding from you at our meeting, then we can discuss resources (equipment, other help) needed.
5. Issues of service-user panel, service-user presence on the Board, and Trustee involvement in the various services can all be discussed then too. I think we will find it’s all a question of balance!
Please let’s meet up to sort through these things.
RE: Meeting up
From: Maureen Ward
Sent: 10 September 2009 12:15:23
To: Justin Bateman
Given the possible consequences and the seriousness of the allegation of racism which could amount to slander, I am reticent to meet with you on an informal basis.
I would like a fellow trustee present.
This would also help me to understand why making an outlet available to service users allowing for potential creative growth, giving them access to a whole world of discovery, expanding their horizons and perspective, giving then access to a whole world of support with the potential to have access in their own homes is such a difficult concept to grasp.
I would like either Phil or John to be present at any discussions we have from now on
From: justinbateman
To: Maureen
Subject: RE: Meeting up
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 16:00:08 +0100
Ok, I shall fix up with John or Phil then.
I have been particularly careful not to make any allegations. I expressly referred to comments “which might be construed as racist”. My concern is around how things a Trustee says might be interpreted by service users as racist, and therefore seem to give permission for them to act or speak in a discriminatory manner.
I fully understand the aspirations of your second paragraph: what I am unclear on is how your project achieves this, and what resources it needs to achieve this.
RE: Meeting up
From: Maureen Ward
Sent: 11 September 2009 07:54:10
To: Justin Bateman
In the mean time, Do you wish me to continue with the installation of the software that Richard needs, and the installation of the software that Bob would like and the software that I perceive as helpfull to various off spin ideas that service users have or would you prefer me to return it to its previous state. I have spent time making it user friendly and hopefully it now has the potential to be an interesting experience but I am wondering now given the lack of understanding around the potential that can be achieved with one little lap top if this would antagonise anybody else.
From: justinbateman
To: Maureen
CC: justinbateman
Subject: Meeting up
Date: Sat, 12 Sep 2009 11:25:03 +0100
John and I can make:
Monday 14th btw 2-5
Friday 18th btw 11-1
Monday 21st btw 3-5
If any of these are suitable for you, please let me know. If you are going for the Monday afternoon, please copy to my home address to so I can let John know ASAP.
Re programmes on the laptop: I have talked to Richard, and he does not require anything. Not sure how the confusion arose. I will confer with Bob next week and let you know. We will need licences as appropriate for any new software you have installed. I am not suggesting you erase all you have put on, given your hard work: we need a better fix on what’s there.
From: Maureen Ward
Sent: 12 September 2009 16:07:20
To: Justin Bateman
Can do Monday 14th - 2.00-3.45 as Moderate Chat Room 4-5 weekdays.
MOT runs out on 17th so envisage being without transport for a few days - but 21st - 3 till 4 is also an option.
On the lappy. No one has used it except Bob and I since it came back into use apart from possibly on the day of the interviews. I would like one dedicated to DDI and only DDI as I would not like to think other people had access to our unfinished projects without prior permission. As you were initially quite happy for it to be stored in the cupboard I thought you were also happy with this arrangement. Licensing of any of the software I propose using is not necessary. It is all shareware and freebies.
FW: Meeting up
From: Maureen Ward
Sent: 12 September 2009 16:10:57
To: Justin Bateman
From: john.burke
To: justinbateman; justinbateman
CC: Maureen
Subject: Re: Meeting up
Date: Sun, 13 Sep 2009 20:36:14 +0100
Hi Justin, Monday 14th between 2.00and 3.45,fine with me.
See you then
From: Maureen Ward
Sent: 14 September 2009 01:55:00
To: John Burke Justin Bateman (e mail 1); Justin Bateman (e mail 2)
Would you both like to come round to my place. My son is at home and I think I will feel more comfortable than sitting in Justins office. Also if you are interested to see, I can show you a little of what I hope to achieve. Justin has my address.
Sent: 15 September 2009 05:18:36
To: Justin Bateman
Dear Justin
I am sending you this article because I am interested in this concept. Please could you make time to read it. It is from an American friend of mine.
Today at 05:18
This is national suicide prevention month. Below is an old post from that speaks to the subject. No one has to die. (more...)
Adobe Acrobat
From: Maureen Ward
Sent: 20 September 2009 10:18:26
To: Justin Bateman
Dear Justin
We need Adobe Acrobat in order to read user manuals that ship with Dongles. Can you please get the IT Dept. to Download it. Its free.
If they put it on a Flash Drive and that comes to DDI it can be installed on Lappie.
Richard will know how to do this.
DGS Mind Trustee
From: Maureen Ward
Sent: 24 September 2009 06:58:06
To: Justin Bateman John Burke
To Whom it Concerns
I understand from the Charities Commission that "anyone who has been convicted of an offence involving deception or dishonesty, unless the conviction is spent" cannot be a trustee.
I therefore resign from my post as DGS Mind Trustee.
Maureen Ward
From: justinbateman
To: Maureen
Subject: RE: DGS Mind Trustee
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 2009 17:38:34 +0100
Maureen, thank you for sorting this, and thanks for all your input as a trustee (challenging but refreshing!).
For the volunteering at Dartford, I’m still processing the stuff about dongles etc, and Richard will be there on the Saturday a week from tomorrow, to have a closer look. We are clear that volunteers need to have an agreed defined role, and a named staff member as a link/supporter, and he will be able to discuss this with you then.
RE: DGS Mind Trustee
From: Maureen Ward
Sent: 25 September 2009 18:51:27
To: Justin Bateman
"We are clear that volunteers need to have an agreed defined role"
Yes. Mine is Drop in IT and Technical expert. Justin you really take the biscuit. How can I possibly do anything if you don't get your finger out!
We are in October next week. I have been trying to get this project off of the ground for nearly nine months.
I sent details of ISPs' who will provide connection months ago to Angie. She promised she was going to ring the YMCA or order the service. It will cost £1.00 a day and £30.00 connection which includes a dongle. Take a stroll down to Argos or look in their catalogue. You will see there is plenty of affordable choices.
So here we go again 'and round and round it goes'
So Richard comes down on 3rd October.Contract takes a couple of weeks to set up plus a week to decide which option is most suitable. Laptop goes back to office for IT staff to install - shall we say one maybe two weeks before it's up and running and back at the drop in for use. To be on the safe side lets make it Christmas shall we.
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